A Profound Look Back at the Week: September 6-12

Imagine wanting something so very, very much you are willing to make sacrifices for it. Now imagine you get that thing. And then imagine how you are forced to give it up after having it for three days. I got my kitchen. On Wednesday. On Saturday we left for the city. Continue reading A Profound Look Back at the Week: September 6-12

A Profound Look Back at the Week: November 30 – December 6

We’ve now been at the country house for a full week without a single water supply outage and just a petty internet outage that couldn’t even come close to a real problem. Because it happened at a time when we had something else to think about. Continue reading A Profound Look Back at the Week: November 30 – December 6

A Profound Look Back at the Week: May 11-15

We went, we saw, we did what we had to do, we left. Country life, here we go again, we thought. I wonder how the peas are turning out, I thought. I can’t wait to sit in my summer kitchen (it’s only called that. It’s walls are not even plastered) with a beer and a notebook for Fang in Fang Ltd, my latest, occasionally glancing at the vista of the whole village plus all the fields beyond, all the way to the power plants 50 km away. That’s what I thought. In reality we spent most of the week fretting about the water supply but I’m leaving this story for a separate blog because I have a lot of words about it. Continue reading A Profound Look Back at the Week: May 11-15

A Profound Look Back at the Week: May 4-8

May is in full swing after a few false steps necessitating the unseasonal use of the heating and all is reasonably well. Bars and restaurants have opened their gardens and people have crawled out. It could’ve been worse. Continue reading A Profound Look Back at the Week: May 4-8

Country Life: The Writing Experiment

I had my summer vacation this week. In the past, I used to make elaborate writing plans for my vacations that invariably fell through, so this year I decided to change the approach but not the goal, which was to get a bit more writing done. Continue reading Country Life: The Writing Experiment